
$20m donation sees creation of new fund for Mayo Clinic’s AI innovation for cancer

A $20 million donation to Mayo Clinic, a not-for-profit American academic medical centre, has been made by Dwight and Dian Diercks to “fuel key elements of Mayo Clinic’s vision for the future of healthcare”, with the fund intended to boost initiatives such as developing generative AI tools for insight into individual risk of cancer.

The donation will also support the Mayo Clinic Platform, which brings together developers, partners, and organisations to “collaborate around secure, de-identified clinical data to create, validate and scale digital health solutions”.

Dr John Halamka, inaugural Dwight and Dian Diercks president, said that the donation will boost the Mayo Clinic’s efforts to “curate the world’s de-identified data, empower solution developers and transform healthcare around the world”.

Matthew Callstrom, medical director for strategy at the Mayo Clinic, added that the support will help “bring the promise of AI to patients at the earliest phases of their care journeys”, and that “leveraging AI to tackle and treat this devastating disease will be critical for improving outcomes for all patients”.

Mr Diercks, a senior vice president of software engineering at NVIDIA, shared hopes that the donation will help transform cancer care, and highlighted belief that the Mayo Clinic Platform and AI innovation will be “the keys to better predicting diseases like cancer, so physicians can intervene sooner with more effective treatments that save, extend or improve the quality of patient lives”.

In other news on AI, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has published a technical brief on the role of AI in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), outlining uses and risks across health education, screening, diagnosis, care management, and more.

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