
Unity Health Toronto prepares for EPR launch

Unity Health Toronto is preparing to launch its new Epic EPR, due to go live in November 2024, following “an extensive procurement process” involving more than 500 staff, clinicians, patients and stakeholders from across the organisation.

Implementing a new EPR formed part of Unity Health’s strategic plan for 2019 – 2026, which made the commitment to achieving a network-wide EPR to support multiple care environments including home, hospital and community, with success linked to a better care experience for patients and a “top tier level of industry recognition”.

In a video introducing the EPR project, referred to as Project Connect, stakeholders from Unity Health discussed potential benefits, including connecting patients and communities with their healthcare team; bringing everything together in one place; encouraging seamless information flow between healthcare professionals; and allowing clinicians to spend more time with their patients.

Olga Krasik, clinical nurse educator, highlighted the administrative burdens that the new system will hopefully relieve for nurses, noting that this will “give them more time to do that they do best – provide excellent patient care”.

In other news on electronic health records, in the US, national non-profit organisations OCHIN and OSIS recently announced that they would enter a formal partnership with the aim of helping to address challenges facing the healthcare delivery system, enhance EHR strategies, and align capabilities to better support sustainability and accelerate innovation.

Also in the US, MEDITECH has launched a new EHR-agnostic health information exchange network to facilitate health data sharing between organisations, focusing on bringing together data to offer a “comprehensive view” of patient history and enable patient health records to follow them wherever they seek care.

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