Author: Jennifer Turton

India: Union health secretary acknowledges need for enhanced BRICS collaboration to advance digital solutions at 77th World Health Assembly

India: Union health secretary acknowledges need for enhanced BRICS collaboration to advance digital solutions at 77th World Health Assembly

At the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva, union health secretary Shri Apurva Chandra addressed BRICS (an alliance of major developing countries) Health Ministers to acknowledge the need for enhanced BRICS collaboration on a range of issues, including nuclear medicine, the radio-pharmaceutical supply chain, and the “development and commercialisation of […]

France: 5th edition of Digital Health Doctrine places focus on cyber security and reflects on Digital Health Roadmap priorities.

Fifth edition of French Digital Health Doctrine places focus on cyber security

The fifth edition of the Digital Health Doctrine for France has been published as a “reference document for actors in the e-health ecosystem, who develop or operate digital services” for healthcare workers and users. The doctrine highlights ongoing work in interoperability, including the new Cadre d’Interopérabilité des Systèmes d’Information de […]

Muhammad Javeed

Interview: Muhammad Javeed, Bitsol Technologies Global, on AI in healthcare

During our time in Lisbon at Web Summit, we connected with Muhammad Javeed, CEO at Bitsol Technologies Global. Muhammad shared with us some insights into his company’s work and future directions.  Muhammad shared some insight into his role, background and the organisation, saying: “I’m originally from Pakistan, but recently moved […]

WHO issues call for public comments on draft digital transformation handbook for health product catalogue.

“We cannot continue to fly blind”: WHO announces launch of World Health Statistics report 2024, highlighting need for “better data”

In a press conference held yesterday, 23 May, the World Health Organization (WHO) discussed the upcoming launch of its World Health Statistics report for 2024, reviewing progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW13). In doing so, WHO called for countries and partners […]

Here, we take a look at the current status of digital health in Kenya, exploring topics including electronic health records, recent digital initiatives, telemedicine, and more.

Deep dive: digital health in Kenya

Here, we take a look at the current status of digital health in Kenya, exploring topics including electronic health records, recent digital initiatives, telemedicine and more. The Digital Health Bill 2023 The Kenyan Ministry of Health (MoH) shares regular news updates on activities and initiatives across the country. One of […]

The Irish Department of Health has published Ireland's digital health framework for 2024 - 2030.

Ireland sets out roadmap in Digital Health Framework for 2024 – 2030

The Irish Department of Health has published Ireland’s digital health framework for 2024 – 2030, setting out a roadmap for digital transformation across the nation’s health services, covering the roll-out of a shared care record, the deployment of electronic health records (EHRs), a new patient app, and more. A “key […]