
Digital Health Collaborative launches in the US

A Digital Health Collaborative has been launched in the US, supported by the Peterson Health Technology Institute (PHTI) and bringing together provider groups, purchasers and end users with the intention to “raise the bar on evidence and value for digital health solutions”.

A total of 14 organisations, including the American Medical Association, the American Telemedicine Association, and the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions, join the collaborative, with initial activities expected to include “a national purchaser survey, grant making, and convenings”.

Meg Barron, managing director of engagement and outreach at PHTI, said that the new collaborative is “raising the bar for guidance, research, and resources that can accelerate the adoption of solutions that work and are worth it”, with a focus on “moving the industry forward at a critical crossroads”.

The collaborative will share collective learnings and collaborate on research and programs to “help raise confidence and adoption in digital health”, as well as offering a Research and Impact Fund to offer funding to “aligned research and programs”.

The fund’s first grant has already been awarded to DiMe, for its Integrated Evidence Plans for Digital Health Products project, which seeks to “identify core components of an integrated evidence plan to streamline the collection of necessary evidence” for developers and decision-makers bringing products to the market.

To learn more about the Digital Health Collaborative, please click here.

In other news from the US, Emory Healthcare has announced its deployment of the Epic electronic health record (EHR), with MacBook Airs made available to “thousands of clinicians” to support accessing of patient records via the platform.

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