
Expansion of paediatric remote monitoring at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

US-based healthcare software provider Epic has shared an update on its work with Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, highlighting how the hospital is “bridging the gap” by bringing remote monitoring to their paediatric patients.

The update shares how the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has implemented a total of 11 remote management programmes to date, including a programme for infants with complex heart conditions that offers parents and carers the chance to use a mobile app for telehealth check-ins and digital vital sign monitoring.

After the programme highlighted that one in eight patients enrolled in the programme “experienced significant findings” which led to changes in their treatment, the hospital has continued to expand remote monitoring capabilities to other clinical areas.

A case study offers insight into the children’s hospital’s Infant Single Ventricle Monitoring and Management Program (ISVMP), which looks to monitor patients to “prevent life-threatening events” and “maximise growth and development” in preparation for infant’s upcoming surgeries. Under the ISVMP programme, clinical teams were able to listen to infant’s hearts using an Eko digital stethoscope, allowing them to quickly identify and deal with any issues.

Another of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s remote monitoring programmes is the Remote EEG Monitoring Programme for neonatal intensive care units that do not have local CEEG services, offering real-time, remote CEEG monitoring to prevent safety risks involved with transferring patients between hospitals.

According to the hospital’s telemedicine policy, the organisation is actively working to develop local and regional partnerships to expand its remote monitoring services, including remote diagnosis and care, especially for children experiencing mental and behavioural conditions.

In other news on paediatric care in the US, Boston Children’s Hospital recently launched a pilot of an AI solution for imaging analysis in paediatric radiology, aiming to “improve image quality and the speed and accuracy of image interpretation”.

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