Tag: AI

Lunit, a deep learning-based medical AI company, has announced the signing of a Scheme Implementation Agreement to acquire Volpara Health Technologies Ltd., a company focused on AI-enabled software for early detection of cancer.

Journal explores European validation of AI risk model for individualised breast cancer

A journal published last month in The Lancet Regional Health Europe explores “the discriminatory performances of an AI-based risk model in European screening settings”, with a nested case-control study finding that the AI risk model “showed generalizable discriminatory performances across European populations and, predicted ∼30% of clinically relevant stage 2 […]

Here, we take a look at the Austrian Federal Government's AI strategy, Artificial Intelligence Mission Austria 2030 (AIM AT 2030)

Health in the Austrian Federal Government’s AI strategy

Here, we take a look at the Austrian Federal Government’s AI strategy, Artificial Intelligence Mission Austria 2030 (AIM AT 2030), which is “the result of an extensive stakeholder process in which more than 160 experts from different disciplines were involved”, to consider its provisions for the use of AI in […]

European Council and Parliament reach agreement on Artificial Intelligence Act

European Council and Parliament reach agreement on Artificial Intelligence Act

The European Council has announced that an agreement had been reached between the Council’s presidency and the European Parliament’s negotiators on the EU Artificial Intelligence Act, with the draft regulation aiming to ensure the safety of AI systems brought to the European market, as well as to “stimulate investment and […]

The European Parliament has adopted the Artificial Intelligence Act, marking a "landmark" in the regulation of AI in Europe.

MEPs reach agreement with European Council on Artificial Intelligence Act

MEPs have reached an agreement with the European Council on the contents of the new Artificial Intelligence Act, which aims to make Europe a world leader in AI innovation, whilst ensuring that “fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law and environmental sustainability are protected from high risk AI”. The new […]