
US: Mount Sinai’s Windreich Department of AI and Human Health to establish new fellowship program

In New York, the Windreich Department of Artificial Intelligence and Human Health at the Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, has been awarded $1.95 million to create a new fellowship program. The funding will support “an inaugural cohort” of five fellows for a three-year fellowship under The Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Human Health Fellowship Program.

The Windreich Department of AI and Human Health at Mount Sinai focuses on optimising artificial intelligence and human health, with partnerships across different research institutes, academic departments, hospitals, and outpatient centres. The department also covers the Icahn School of Medicine, which serves as “a central hub for innovative learning”.

The funding to launch the program has been gifted from Schmidt Sciences, a “philanthropy dedicated to fostering the advancement of science and technology”. Fellows will be working on utilising AI and machine learning to tackle “the increasing volume of data in health care”, teaching at the Icahn School, collaborating with faculty members, and accelerating AI research at Mount Sinai.

Stu Feldman, president and chief scientist at Schmidt Sciences, commented on AI’s “potential to change the process of scientific discovery and revolutionize health care” and added: “The Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Human Health Fellowship Program aligns with our core mission at Schmidt Sciences to find the ideas, people, and techniques across disciplines of science and technology to catalyze results for society. It is a privilege to work with Mount Sinai on this initiative to enhance the AI knowledge of fresh thinkers and enable them to apply new technical approaches to medical care. I hope this new program can achieve real breakthroughs to benefit patients everywhere.”

To learn more about the new fellowship program, please click here.

Also in news from the US, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced that it has finalised its Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Certification Program Updates, Algorithm Transparency, and Information Sharing (HTI-1) rule, which focuses on advancing patient access, interoperability and standards.

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