Author: Jennifer Turton

WHO releases technical brief on the role of AI in sexual and reproductive health

WHO releases technical brief on the role of AI in sexual and reproductive health

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has published a technical brief on the role of AI in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), outlining uses and risks across health education, screening, diagnosis, care management, and more. As well as recognising the opportunities for digital innovations to “improve access to and […]

The Australian Digital Health Agency has published the Australian National Healthcare Interoperability Plan for 2023 - 2028.

Australia: National Healthcare Interoperability Plan up to 2028 focuses on high quality data, digitally enabled models of care, and sharing information across the healthcare system

The Australian Digital Health Agency has published the Australian National Healthcare Interoperability Plan up to 2028, focusing on high quality data, digitally enabled models of care, and sharing of information across the healthcare system. The plan outlines healthcare interoperability as involving “an ecosystem of connected providers that conveniently and seamlessly […]

A deep dive into digital health in Mexico.

Exploring health tech, digital transformation and innovation in Mexico

We’ve taken a look into the current status of digital health in Mexico, covering recent developments, electronic health records, telemedicine, and more. Background At the time of writing, according to our research, Mexico does not currently have a national digital health strategy. International bodies such as the Pan American Health […]