India’s Peerless Hospital, Kolkata, has announced the launch of “humanoid robotics” for joint replacement surgery, posting a video explaining what the innovation will mean for patients requiring this type of surgery in the future. The robotics platform incorporates technologies including Microsoft’s Hololens, an “ergonomic, untethered self-contained holographic device” which utilises […]
Tag: robotics
Florida-based Medical Microinstruments raises $110m for microsurgery innovation
Florida-based surgical robotics company Medical Microinstruments, Inc. (MMI) has raised $110 million in Series C funding for microsurgery innovation, which is to be used to support the commercialisation of the company’s Symani® Surgical System and to accelerate “advanced technology capabilities” across the globe. Mark Toland, CEO, said that the support […]
International Robotic Surgery Training Center unveiled in China
The International Robotic Surgery Training Center (IRSTC) at The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University (FAH-SYSU), was unveiled in September, marking a successful collaboration between FAH-SYSU and the University of California at Berkeley. The new center aims to provide “systematic and professional robotic surgery training for medical practitioners at home […]
EndoQuest Robotics closes $42m in financing for advancements in endoluminal robot systems
Medical device company EndoQuest Robotics from Houston, Texas, has announced the successful closure of a $42 million C-1 preferred financing round, with the strategic funding set to help advance its flexible endoluminal robot which is designed to support minimally invasive procedures. The company’s legacy investors CE Ventures Limited and McNair Interests […]