Author: Jennifer Turton

US: Boston Children's Hospital pilots AI imaging analysis in paediatric radiology.

Boston Children’s Hospital pilots AI imaging analysis in paediatric radiology

Boston Children’s Hospital has launched a pilot of an AI solution for imaging analysis in paediatric radiology, aiming to “improve image quality and the speed and accuracy of image interpretation”. Using the Red Hat OpenShift solution, the hospital is hoping to replace “time-consuming” manual quantitative measurements, with the application automatically […]

India's Peerless Hospital, Kolkata, has announced the launch of "humanoid robotics" for joint replacement surgery.

Indian Peerless Hospital launches “humanoid robotics” for joint replacement surgery

India’s Peerless Hospital, Kolkata, has announced the launch of “humanoid robotics” for joint replacement surgery, posting a video explaining what the innovation will mean for patients requiring this type of surgery in the future. The robotics platform incorporates technologies including Microsoft’s Hololens, an “ergonomic, untethered self-contained holographic device” which utilises […]

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH), a collaboration between Johns Hopkins Medicine in the US and Saudi Aramco, an energy and chemicals company in Saudi Arabia, has announced a new opportunity for innovators in musculoskeletal care (MSK).

Norway collab seeks to accelerate clinical studies with international marketing support

A new collaboration between HealthCatalyst AS and NorTrials is seeking to accelerate clinical studies and testing in Norway, offering a “common contact point” and support with international marketing for companies, healthcare staff and researchers. HealthCatalyst AS represents an existing collaboration between the three health clusters: Norway Health Tech, Norwegian Smart […]

In the US, the FDA has qualified the Apple Watch's Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) history feature, which "opportunistically analyzes pulse rate data collected by the general-purpose Apple Watch photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor" to identify episodes of irregular heart rhythms, for use in clinical studies.

US: FDA qualifies Apple Watch’s AFib history feature to be used in clinical studies

In the US, the FDA has qualified the Apple Watch’s Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) history feature, which “opportunistically analyzes pulse rate data collected by the general-purposeApple Watch photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor” to identify episodes of irregular heart rhythms, for use in clinical studies. The Watch has qualified as part of the FDA’s […]

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH), a collaboration between Johns Hopkins Medicine in the US and Saudi Aramco, an energy and chemicals company in Saudi Arabia, has announced a new opportunity for innovators in musculoskeletal care (MSK).

US: Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare calls for innovations in MSK digital health

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH), a collaboration between Johns Hopkins Medicine in the US and Saudi Aramco, an energy and chemicals company in Saudi Arabia, has announced a new opportunity for innovators in musculoskeletal care (MSK). The call for applications, shared on LinkedIn by Tamara Sunbul, medical director of clinical […]